Cracking the Code: Easy Habit Building for Navigating Chronic Fatigue

 So, we all know forming habits can be a bit tricky, right? But did you know there's some science behind it? Especially when you're dealing with the energy rollercoaster that comes with chronic fatigue.

Let's break it down and see how we can make habits work for those of us with unreliable energy levels.

The Habit Loop:

  1. Cue:

    • Spotting Triggers: Ever notice something that makes you think, "Oh, I should do this now?" That's your cue. For us with chronic fatigue, it could be a certain time of day, a mood, or even a specific setting.

  2. Routine:

    • Keep it Simple: Don't go planning a marathon, okay? Keep your routines simple and doable. Pick activities that won't leave you feeling wiped out. Consistency is the secret sauce here.

  3. Reward:

    • Instant Feel-Good Vibes: Attach your habits to quick rewards. Think of it as a little pat on the back. Maybe it's a sense of achievement or a moment of relaxation. Instant rewards work like magic.


Making Habits Work for Chronic Fatigue:

  1. Start Small:

    • Tiny Habits, Big Wins: Break things down. If exercise is the goal, start with a quick 5-minute stretch, you can even do it in bed! Slow and steady wins the race, and you can always amp it up later.

  2. Consistent Timing:

    • Go with the Flow: Time your habits with when you usually feel a bit more perky. It's like catching the right wave – ride it when it's there.

  3. Adaptability:

    • Roll with It: Energy levels up and down like a yo-yo? Plan habits that can flex with your mood. That way, you're not stuck with something that only works on superhero days.

  4. Behavioural Cues:

    • Set Reminders: Phones have this nifty feature called reminders. Use it. Stick notes where you can see them. Make your habits impossible to ignore.

  5. Mindful Monitoring:

    • Journal Time: Keep a habit journal. Track how things are going, and jot down any thoughts. It's like a personal progress report.

  6. Social Accountability:

    • Buddy Up: Share your habit goals with a friend or family member, just make sure they’re someone who understands the challenges of chronic faituge. Having someone cheering you on can be a game-changer.

  7. Positive Reinforcement:

    • Celebration Time: Every small win deserves a celebration. Treat yourself – you've earned it.

The Brainy Stuff Behind Habits:

  1. Dopamine Release:

    • Feel-Good Hormone: Habits release dopamine – the happy hormone. Make your habits something that makes you proud. Instant mood lift, guaranteed.

  2. Neuroplasticity:

    • Brain Makeover: Forming habits reshapes your brain. It's like training your brain to do something automatically. Handy, right?


By keeping it simple, celebrating the wins, and syncing your habits with your energy, you can turn everyday routines into powerful tools for managing chronic fatigue. If you want more help with getting healthy habits in place join my free Healthy Habits Challenge (every January) just hit the button below to get on board! Let's make habits work for us, one small victory at a time!